If there is something or someone worrying you
or if you are concerned about someone else - speak up!
Help At Home
- Parents
- Siblings
- Family members such as Aunts, Uncles, Cousins, Grandparents
- Other adults you trust such as a Sport Coach, Scout Leader, Sunday School Teacher, etc.
- Friends
Help At School
- The Designated Safeguarding lead is Mrs Rawlings
- The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leads are Ms Veasey, Mrs Coseru, Mrs Pottle
- Any of your Teachers
- Any member of School Staff
Help Outside School
In an emergency, dial 999 and ask the operator for the appropriate emergency service.
Mrs A Rawlings Ms Veasey Mrs I Coseru Mrs H Pottle Safeguarding Lead Deputy Deputy Deputy Safeguarding Lead Safeguarding Lead Safeguarding Lead
Child Protection Safeguarding Policy