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Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Statement 2024 

The pupil premium grant, introduced in 2011, is funding to improve educational outcomes for disadvantaged 5-16-year-olds in state-funded schools in England.

The Pupil Premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils and diminish the difference between them and their peers. It is allocated to children from low-income families who are currently known to be eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) in both mainstream and non-mainstream settings, Looked after Children, children adopted from care and Service Forces children. It also includes pupils who have been eligible for FSM at any point in the last six years (known as the Ever 6 FSM measure).

The Pupil Premium grant is given to schools to ensure the attainment gap between children who are eligible for Pupil Premium and those who are not diminishes. At Belmont Castle Academy, we use Pupil Premium funding to provide a mixed programme of whole school and individual initiatives aimed at improving academic achievement, rates of progress, levels of attendance as well as social and emotional development and wellbeing.

Your child would qualify for Pupil Premium Funding if you receive one or more of the following benefits:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Jobseeker's Allowance
  • Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Child Tax Credit – provided you're not also entitled to Working Tax Credit and have an annual gross income of no more than £16,190
  • Universal Credit – provided your total net earnings are no more than £616.67 each month
  • The guaranteed element of Pension Credit
  • Support under Part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

If you have any questions surrounding Pupil Premium, please don't hesitate to email the School Office via the link below: Or Telephone on – 01375373601