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Welcome from the Principal

Thank you for taking the time to visit our school website and I hope you find the information useful. We are committed to safeguarding every child in our school.

At Belmont Castle Academy, children are at the heart of everything we do and we are committed to preparing them for future success. We ensure our school is a safe and nurturing environment, where children receive exciting and engaging learning experiences through a rich and varied curriculum. We provide the children with a multitude of opportunities and pride ourselves on wider success, including in sports and the arts, as well as academic progress.

We are a diverse and inclusive school, and encourage children to show respect and mutual support for one another. The vision of our school is intertwined with our core virtues and by our ethos. The dedicated and friendly staff have high expectations and are committed to working in close partnership with parents, carers and the local community.

Being an independent academy since 2013 has allowed us to shape our curriculum accordingly to meet the needs of all learners and prioritise the wellbeing of our children. We have also been able to retain our individuality and everything that is special and unique about our school.

I am extremely proud to be the Principal of Belmont Castle Academy. I invite you to explore the website to find out more about our wonderful school. You can get in contact with me, either through the school office or via the details below:

Belmont castle 001






Holly Pottle





01375 373601