Rewards, in the form of House Tokens, are given to children to reinforce behaviours that exemplify our core values of respect, perseverance, honesty, curiosity and independence. The children exhibiting these behaviours are role models for the rest of the children and are given a high profile. House Tokens are awarded frequently, emphasising the reason they have been given. They are entered in the House Colours, with each award adding to a cumulative total for each house. Totals are attainable for defined periods (half-termly, termly and annual totals).
Half-termly, the house tokens winners will be announced and the team with the most tokens will be receiving extra play-time.
House Tokens are also awarded to groups of children for team successes: inter house sports competitions, class / phase academic quizzes, public speaking competitions etc.
Autumn 1 108 146 155 144
Autumn 2 168 185 178 193
Spring 1 374 392 381 390