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Our Curriculum

At Belmont Castle Academy, our curriculum is driven with the belief that every pupil is a lifelong learner. We provide our pupils with a balanced, exciting and rich curriculum which is ambitious for all. Through the curriculum, pupils develop skills, knowledge and understanding which are the crucial foundations of learning and life beyond school.

Our aim is to enrich every pupil’s experience by creating an environment where they are encouraged to develop their creativity and a love of learning; helping them to succeed and achieve their very best.

Our curriculum offer reflects the content and challenge of the National Curriculum, but we enrich this offer by providing pupils with valuable and exciting experiences and opportunities, both in and out of the classroom. Through these varied opportunities, we encourage pupils to become curious about their learning and beyond.

We use our curriculum to nurture our school character virtues: respect, perseverance, honesty, curiosity and independence. Intwining these virtues within our curriculum ensures all pupils develop and sustain a passion for learning and develop the necessary skills for life as a responsible citizen in the 21st century.

We have a diverse community and strive to learn about and celebrate our differences, ensuring our curriculum is reflective of this. We want our pupils to experience a curriculum which provides them with a sense of belonging to our community; develops their confidence in learning new things; allows them to make decisions; encourages problem solving and critical thinking, which will lead to them making positive contributions to our school and the wider community.

Curriculum Policy Accessiblity Plan 

If you require more information about our curriculum, please use the appropriate email link below: